Beauty Supply - Why I Love Beauty Supply Stores

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 17, 2011

One of my favorite things about beauty supply stores is the wide variety of things you can find there. Unlike drug stores such as Eckerd or Rite Aid who devote only a passage or two to beauty products, beauty supply stores rows and rows of everything you could ever imagine. As an added bonus, the items are usually far cheaper prices than you'd find anywhere else. The only negative thing I have to say about them is that sometimes you must be a licensed cosmetologist to buy certain things. On the other hand, sometimes the only thing that licensed professionals can get the average Joe Public can not be a discount on certain merchandise.

Another great thing about beauty supply stores is that people who work there are incredible knowledge of the different product lines. What makes a $ 20 curling iron differs from its $ 200 counterpart? If you have questions about any of the tools store on the device will get rid of the green shades that chlorine leaves in blond hair, beauty supply store is where to go. You can also get professional products that you can not find anywhere else.

beauty supply stores are a great place to go when you're feeling kind of easy and you've got an extra 20 dollars in his pocket. This is the beauty supply stores that you can find all the materials you need to have an amazing manicure and pedicure, detoxifying mask and paraffin wax warmer for the feet or hands. You can also go to a beauty supply store when you need a new shade of lipstick that makes the drug store brands pale in comparison. I have saved thousands of dollars over the years by buying professional quality hair color and dying my hair at home instead of going to the salon and expensive hairdresser to make exactly the same thing.